Watermelon guide

Getting Started

Learn all about building AI chatbots and become an AI expert.

Getting Started

Domain knowledge

What is domain knowledge?

Domain knowledge forms the 'brain' of your chatbot. Here, you provide the chatbot with an identity and awareness so it understands its role and how to respond. With every question from the end-user, the domain knowledge is used, making it crucial!

How to write the domain knowledge?

When writing the domain knowledge, you explain to the chatbot who it is, which company it works for, what role it fulfills within the company, what personality it adopts, and what tone of voice it should use. The best approach is to approach the chatbot as if it were a colleague and give instructions in the second person.

The personality

In the personality, you tell the chatbot who it is, which company it works for, and what character traits it has. For example: 'You are Chatbot Anna. You work for Watermelon as a support representative. You are helpful, cheerful, and informal’. Additionally, you set boundaries within which the chatbot may operate. For example: 'As Chatbot Anna, you know everything about Watermelon and Watermelon's software. You do not engage in other topics.'

Watermelon AI chatbot software

Company information

Here you add general information about your company so the chatbot understands the type of company it works for. You can write this yourself or simply copy and paste from the 'about us' page of the website.

Watermelon AI chatbot software

Services and other

In services, you can add the products and services your company offers. While we recommend filling out the personality and company information as mentioned, you can fill out services and other with other relevant topics, such as the most frequently asked questions the chatbot should be able to answer or how the chatbot should include links in responses. We advise this because the chatbot always uses the domain knowledge.

Watermelon AI chatbot software

Next: Sources

Crawling websites and Scraping documents

Next step

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